1. 三疣梭子蟹精子塞形成的关键蛋白鉴定及其功能初探。国家自然科学基金(青年项目41606149),2017/01-2019/12、在研,主持;
2. 大规格河蟹亲本繁殖技术的研究和应用。企业委托项目,2017/01-2018/12、已结题,主持;
3. 三疣梭子蟹精子塞形成关键基因的筛选与功能分析。中国博士后基金(2015M571546),2015/01-2016/12、已结题,主持;
4. 三疣梭子蟹精子塞形成的分子机制研究。江苏省自然科学基金(青年项目BK20140461),2014.07-2016.07,已结题,主持;
5. 沿海大规模围垦对滩涂蟹类生殖活动的影响。江苏省教育厅面上基金(13KJB180027),2013.08-2015.12,在研,主持;
6. 基于虾贝苏北淤泥质滩涂梭子蟹混养育肥技术的研究。盐城市科技局科技创新项目(YK2012030),2013.01-2014.12,已结题,主持;
7. 基于青虾低氧应激miRNA-mRNA双重表达谱解析miRNA调控通路的研究。农业部淡水渔业与种质资源利用重点实验室开放基金(KF201502),2015.07- 2017.06,已结题,主持;
1. Xuan F, Wu X, Liu N, Lu W, Guan W, Ding H, Wang Z, Bian X, Tang B, Huang J, Cheng Y. Reproductive potential of individual male Chinese mitten crabs Eriocheir japonica sinensis in a local pond-reared broodstock: Implications for parent crab selection and sex ratio optimization. Aquac. Res., 49(11):3498-3507, 2018.
2. Wang Z, Sun L, Guan W, Zhou C, Tang B, Cheng Y, Huang J, Xuan F*. De novo transcriptome sequencing and analysis of male and female swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus) reproductive systems during mating embrace (stage II). BMC Genetics. 19. 10.1186/s12863-017-0592-5, 2018.
3. He J, Xuan F(co-first author), Shi H, Xie J, Wang W, Wang G, Xu W*. Comparison of nutritional quality of three edible tissues of the wild-caught and pond-reared swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus) females, LWT - Food Sci. Technol., 75(1): 624-630, 2017;
4. Xuan F*(corresponding author), He J, Bao C1, Bian X, TangF, Tang B, Zhou C, Guan W*(corresponding author).Current fishing practices may have little impact on sperm storage in individual male swimming crabPortunus trituberculatus in the East China Sea. J Shellfish Res., 35(2):563-568;
5. Liu Q, Zhang H, Jiang S, Xuan F*(corresponding author), Li C, Zhang D, Zhou C, Tang B*. The complete mitochondrial genome of Eriocheir japonica sinensis (Decapoda: Varunidae) and its phylogenetic analysis. Biochemi Syst Ecol., 62: 241-248, 2015.
6. Xuan F*(corresponding author), Guan W* (corresponding author), Bao C, Tang F, Tang B, Zhou C. Current fishing practices may induce low risk of sperm limitation in female swimming crabPortunus trituberculatusin the East China Sea. Aquat Biol.,20(2):145-153, 2014;
7. Sun S, Xuan F(co-first author), Ge X*, Fu H*,Zhu J, Zhang S. Identification of differentially expressed genes in hepatopancreas of oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense exposed to environmental hypoxia. Gene, 534(2): 298-306, 2014;
8. 宣富君,何杰,赵雪冰,稽雅芹,刘千姿,鲍成满,张春丽. 三疣梭子蟹精子塞蛋白质组学研究. 浙江海洋大学学报,38(5): 375-380, 2019;
9. 宣富君, 何杰,刘乃更, 吴旭干, 管卫兵, 唐伯平, 周春霖, 成永旭. 室内养殖条件下中华绒螯蟹雄性个体的生殖潜力. 水产学报, 40(2): 236-242, 2016;
10. 宣富君, 姜森颢, 卞勋光, 刘秋宁, 周春霖, 唐伯平. 室内养殖条件下一种三疣梭子蟹蟹礁的应用潜力. 江苏农业科学, 43(6): 206-208, 2015;
11. 宣富君, 姜森颢, 卞勋光, 刘秋宁, 葛宝明, 崔军, 张代臻, 李超峰, 管卫兵, 周春霖, 唐伯平*.室内养殖条件下三疣梭子蟹的生殖蜕壳和交配行为研究.动物学杂志,49(4): 579-586, 2014;
12. 宣富君 等, 实用新型专利:一种三疣梭子蟹养殖中的新型蟹礁 专利号:201320477663.3, 2014.